계례복, 髻禮服, Woman’s attire for the coming-of-age ceremony
공복, 公服, Official attire
공주예복, 公主禮服, Royal lady’s formal robe
국말 관례복, 國末 冠禮服, Boy’s attire for the coming-of-age ceremony in the end of the Joseon Dynasty
군복, 軍服, Military Uniform
궁녀복, 宮女服, Court maid’s attire
궁녀예복, 宮女禮服, Court lady’s formal robe
궁녀예복Ⅱ, 宮女禮服Ⅱ, Court lady’s formal robeⅡ
기녀복, 妓女服, Ginyeo's costume
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